Community Direction

Welcome to the Gamer-Dad website, this is a place for open discussion on all topics from games, gaming industry, social environments and the world politics that affect all of it. Whether you’re a solo player, a multiplayer enthusiast, or somewhere in between, we’re here to provide you with the insights and commentary you need to make informed decisions about your gaming journey. Possibly and hopefully open your mind to some new concepts and/or perspectives.

At Gamer-Dad, we comment on the world, politics, gaming industry, and everything in between, sharing our honest thoughts and opinions on everything. I follow and play a few games closely namely Destiny 2, Raid Shadow Legends, Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, and Watcher of Realms, and a few others we follow closely. I also follow some world politics and you will be surprised by the battles that are going on to regulate and protect video games.

I believe that you should be able to play the way you want to play, without interference from other players if you choose. I applaud Elite Dangerous for their solo mode and believe all multiplayer games should have some type of mode that I don’t have to be affected by people. This should not be a hot take but I see all the time people upset with this mindset, I believe with all the toxicity in gaming and many games being pay to progress at this point if not outright pay to win why can I not just do my thing?