Bungie, Destiny 2, Layoffs and Greed

The GREED in the corporate world just blows my mind at times. These are companies that religously give millions in bonuses to CEOs, have record years of profit and then lay off and cut workers claiming that ” There’s not enough to go around ” such absolute garbage and just plain greed.

Bungie the makers of Destiny 2 a very popular online FPS game, have cut nearly 10% of their work force because of the massive over-estimation on what they projected for the year on earnings. They have barely made half of what the wanted to make this year due to a lackluster year of content as well as a less than stellar story this year. It seems to me to be a filler piece because they couldn’t prouduce ” The Final Shape ” in time.

When it comes to ” The Final Shape ” the story wrap up of almost ten years the rumor is they have delayed it till June of 2024 a whole 5 months after it was slated to be. This is going to be horrible for the player base and will not go well for Bungie. The less you play Destiny the less you want to and having a season with no new contents for more than 6 months is not good for any live game.

There are rumors that the employees were let go days before getting access to thier stock options is just another thing I wouldn’t believe people would do but, I know I am wrong, I have seen this behavior first hand from people that would have no trouble paying if they wanted to. This is the case with Bungie leadership, cut the bottom line, get rid of highly paid senor positions and then demand more from those that are left. Oh and don’t forget my CEO bonus this year for cutting costs I made some realy tough choices this year.

I have no faith that the people at the top ever do the moral or right thing and this just re-enforces it yet again. They prove time and time again that they work on greed and think of nothing but themselves and share-holders. Frontier developments did this same thing a couple years ago and just go take a look at their stock history, would make a really good ski hill.

Just a little note the CEOs of all these large ” AAA ” developers that have had a rough go lately. No one feels bad for you, they only feel bad for the industry, the workers and our games. The CEO’ s and upper managment could dissapear and it would be better world.

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