Star Citizens letter from CHRIS…

Pyro by Q4 2023

Star Citizen is an ambitious massively multiplayer online game that aims to offer a high level of persistence and immersion for players. The game’s developers at Cloud Imperium have been talking about a feature called Persistent Entity Streaming (PES) for some time now, which is supposed to allow objects and events in the game world to remain in place and be accessed by players even when they are not logged in. This would be a major technical accomplishment and a unique selling point for the game, as it would create a sense of a living, dynamic universe that players could truly explore and interact with. However, despite the development team’s claims of progress on PES and other features, the game has a long history of missing deadlines and releasing updates that are buggy or incomplete. In this letter, the development team talks about the PES feature and how it will be included in an upcoming update, at the end of 2023. It’s unclear whether the team will be able to deliver on its promises and meet the expectations of its dedicated and growing community of players.

sci-fi concept of an astronaut standing on huge rock looking at the acid planet, digital art style, illustration painting

In the past, the development team has struggled to meet the expectations of its community and deliver on its ambitious goals for the game. The game has been in development for many years now, and while it has made some progress and gained a large and passionate player base, it has also faced numerous delays and setbacks. Many players have grown frustrated with the lack of progress and the frequent delays, and some have even accused the development team of mismanaging resources and not prioritizing the most important features and content. It’s difficult to say whether the PES feature and other updates will be able to live up to the hype and expectations of the community, given the team’s track record of missed deadlines and incomplete releases.

Despite these concerns, the development team and the community of players remain optimistic about the future of Star Citizen. The team continues to receive support and funding from its dedicated community, which allows it to invest in research and development and pursue its vision of a fully connected and simulated science fiction universe. However, it’s important for the team to be transparent and honest with its community about the status of its development and the challenges it faces. Only by being upfront and realistic about its goals and timelines can the team hope to maintain the trust and support of its players.

Panoramic view of planets in distant solar system in space 3D rendering elements of this image furnished by NASA

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