Elite Dangerous Update 9

Update 9 has been released for Elite Dangerous and we have a new SRV the Scorpion, some new limpit controllers that weigh way too much and some lighting improvements. The new Scorpion is a armored version that moves a little slower and gives up some agility to take more of a beating, With the new update they have introduced some new bugs with the fire group system that has some not being able to remap and everyone having their fire groups wiped throughout the game. F-dev seems to be trying pretty hard to make up for the abysmal launch 9 months ago, that saw many people and communities just give up the game and developer. I do fear these changes and upgrades are coming too late with main content creators leaving left and right on a almost continual basis. I hope the best for Elite Dangerous and believe it could be awesome, but yet another fear is that F-dev does these updates makes it work with a few new features and then moves on again like they did with Horizons. F-dev needs to treat Elite like a true live game with constant upgrades, balancing and new content for the key areas of the game such as exploration, xeno combat, missions adn new locations, as well as getting off the horse of realism in regards to travel times and jump ranges. I also want base building!!!

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